Self-Love Overflow was started to promote the importance of loving yourself unconditionally. Having a foundation of self-love will allow you to achieve your goals easier, engage in healthy relationships, and enact solid boundaries. Self-love does not happen overnight, so be patient with yourself. We will provide you with the materials to guide you along the way to self-love overflow!

Find Your Self-Love Overflow

I created Self-Love Overflow after going through my divorce, I realized that I could not heal properly because I did not know how to love myself.

For years my self worth was determined by how others saw me. When all along the only person that I needed to invest in was ME.

That is why my mission for creating Self-Love Overflow is for everyone to not only learn to love themselves, but appreciate the things that make them different. Always remember, you were perfectly made!

Brianna ❤️

Benefits of Self-Love

Self-love is the key to creating a healthy mental wellbeing and reducing anxiety and stress. 

We spend majority of our time giving love to others, but forget to give love to ourselves. 

You will discover during your self-love journey that the more you practice self-love the less you will depend on others to make you happy.

Benefits of Self-Care

So many of us have an enormous amount of responsibilities and commitments in our lives that we forget to take care of our own personal needs. 

However, self-care can be a helpful tool in managing your stressful life. 

When you put yourself first you are choosing a healthy lifestyle that focuses on creating a physical and mental life that benefits you and others.