6 Ways to Beat Sundays & Tips to Prepare for the New Week

Posted by Brianna Watford on

Tips To Beat The Sunday Blues 

Monday is going to come whether we like it or not. For most people, pre-week Sunday evening stress is a real struggle.

They see it as both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because it is family day and a curse because Monday is fast approaching again.

To make sure that you avoid that sinking feeling every Sunday night as you remember that the weekend is finally over, there are ways to make sure you don’t stay in that negative mood for long.

Better yet, make it a habit to stay productive on Sundays to prepare for the new week ahead.

Here are surefire ways to beat Sunday blues and gear yourself up for the coming week.


1. Set up your weekly schedule.

One great way to start your week is to plan ahead.

Scheduling your week’s events and to-do lists in your free time is absolutely important, especially if you are preoccupied during weekdays.

This allows you to have control of your week and help you accomplish more by putting your thoughts into action.

Sundays are a great time for setting up a plan.

What are the things you want to achieve for the coming week? Are there social events you need to attend? Errands? Appointments? Give a time estimation for each.

This is not being highly critical of the hours you will put into each event, but doing this kind of planning is about having a better visualization of all your activities for the week which is essential if you want to be more productive.


2. Reflect and think forward.

Journaling is the best way to reflect on everything. Dedicating at least 10-15 minutes to writing down your thoughts, feelings, experiences, or discoveries before going to bed can greatly help. 

Another way to reflect is by practicing mindfulness. This practice is becoming more and more popular these days because of its wonderful benefits.

It allows you to be aware of yourself, the people around you, and particular situations. 

When you do these things on a regular basis, self-reflection will just naturally come in.

You can analyze the things that went wrong and how you can improve them.

Ask yourself, is there a way that you can feel less tired at work? Reflect on your eating habits, exercise, and other activities. Are they affecting your daily energy? What can you do to improve this?

Thinking forward is a good thing. In this activity, you don’t just focus on what you can improve, but also focus on the positive things in your life.

Listing down the things you are thankful for in a journal can help boost your mood.


3. Practice self-care.

Pick out a nice shirt that you can wear anytime next week, clean out your inbox, declutter your bedroom or any room in the house, do a quick tidying, unplug, meditate or do yoga, seek natural light, breathe in some fresh air, get enough sleep to you will be well-rested before Monday arrives, and eat healthy foods.

These are just some of the things you can do to practice self-care.

According to psychologists, we usually get grumpy, out of energy, or down in the dumps when our bodies are not getting the proper treatment it deserves.

First things first, take care of your body. When you are eating well, exercising enough, and well-rested, you have more energy to take on any challenge. 

When you don’t, it is easy to get out of whack, and that never yields great results.

So, please practice self-love on a daily basis and see how much you can accomplish in life.


4. Use your free time to do the things you love.

Routine is a motivation killer. Step out of it.

Weekends are not just meant for resting and being a couch potato all day in front of your favorite movie streaming site.

It is your free time to go out, feel the earth beneath your feet, and do the things that you love. 

You can use this time to do some projects that are completely not related to your work such as painting, crafting, or gardening.

These things can help boost your energy allowing you to face the coming week with grace.


5. Aromatherapy

Diffuse some of your favorite essential oils and let that soothing scent disperse around the house.

This is another relaxation technique to calm your body and mind.

Sunday nights can be very stressful, but aromatherapy can eradicate that uncomfortable vibe.


6. Be completely work-free on the weekends.

Do not, by any chance, try to open your work e-mail on weekends.

Do not attempt to check your files and think about your work. A lot of people waste their rest days doing this.

Do not do this or you will already be drained before the week starts.

Listen to music, be with your friends and family, and spend time with your dog by jogging around the town.

There is so much you can do that won’t feed on your stress. Be completely work-free during weekends.

Self-Love Overflow is here for you.

Prioritizing yourself can be a struggle, but we’re here for you.

If you need a boost to start your journey of loving yourself and putting yourself first often, you can count on us to guide you.

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