How To Unplug From The Internet & Relax Your Mind

Posted by Brianna Watford on

Unplug and Unwind

While screens today have become an inseparable part of our lives as we use them at work, at home, and basically anywhere, it is still important to get off the grid from time to time. 

It is not an easy feat to do this because we living in a tech-driven era.

Granted these technological advancements have provided us with comfort, better communication, and access to a lot of information, too much is always unhealthy.

You may be wondering why you are not getting enough sleep lately or if you have insomnia.

You may be experiencing your relationships going on a downward trajectory.

You may start to feel weak and have less and less energy as each day pass. You may feel terribly addicted to your phone that it is snatching a lot of good time from you. The list goes on.

The top reason is your overuse of gadgets and the Internet. 

According to research, an average adult spends 10-12 hours a day in front of a TV, smartphone, or computer screen.

Like all good things, too much is never healthy. 

Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time

Inactivity. The longer you spend time sitting down and watching TV, the longer you go without exercising. This can take a toll on your health and encourages a really bad sedentary lifestyle.

Vision troubles. It is common knowledge that too much screen time can trigger a range of eye issues such as blurred vision and headaches.

Sleep problems. Looking at the screen for too long each day can disrupt your sleep cycle which will make you feel weak, exhausted, and unproductive the following day.

This is not something to take lightly because when you often lack quality sleep, it can lead to serious ailments.

Benefits of Unplugging from Technology

Unplugging is a form of self-care.

Just imagine how much you can do and accomplish if you disconnect and do something else that does not require screen time like walking on the shore with your friends, cooking with your kids, painting or sketching, playing an instrument, or having a nice conversation with your family. 

There is so much you can do outside of technology. These are the things that can give you a happy and fulfilling life.

As the old saying goes “Everything in moderation” which means do not binge or do not abstain. Never give up or never fully give in. 

Here are the benefits of unplugging from technology.

Helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Unplugging from your gadgets and the Internet functions like a reboot for your brain.

It is easy to get bombarded with too much information today and it can directly affect our mood.

Imagine all the notifications beeping every now and then, all the e-mails we need to attend to, and the constant need to scroll through channels or movie titles to find something to watch.

It is exhausting and stressful.

When you unplug, your brain can function well, your mind can slow down as well as your heart rate, you won’t go flustered, and you can be less anxious.

Allows you to focus on gratitude and appreciation.

While social media helps keep you up-to-date with the happenings, it can also be a channel for negative energies.

You may start to compare your life with other people or start to want things that you really don’t want or need.

There is a lot of pressure when you scroll down your newsfeed. It can power you down easily. 

Unplugging from time to time allows you to reset, reevaluate, and refocus all your much-needed energy on more important things. 


Reduces feelings of loneliness.

Too much virtual connection is a downer.

Technology has made it faster for us to communicate with each other in just a few clicks.

These virtual relationships hurt us in the long run.

Lack of face-to-face (not digitally) connection with other people can make us feel alone and lonely. 

Call your friends and meet up at your favorite restaurant.

Plan an outdoor adventure with them.

Talk about anything under the sun. Reconnect with people and establish stronger in-person relationships.

Gives you more energy.

Unplugging will make you feel more energized because it helps you recharge.

It can make a big difference in your overall quality of life, health, and happiness.

You get more energy because both your brain and your body recover from the intake of external stimuli.

Digital detox also promotes better sleep quality which is the number one energy booster.

Bright lights from screens make it difficult for the body to sleep so always unplug at least an hour before bedtime.

Keep your phone in your room but not within reach.

Self-Love Overflow is here for you.

Prioritizing yourself can be a struggle, but we’re here for you.

If you need a boost to start your journey of loving yourself and putting yourself first often, you can count on us to guide you.

We have tons of materials to help you find your way to self-love overflow! 

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